Domnguez Norma Beatriz was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on July 8, 1947 and settled in Baha Blanca from Germany, where he currently lives. He began his studies in drawing, human figure, in 1960. After all, continues his studies in private workshops, developing different techniques. He soon discovers his passion for surrealist and perform works that engage and which is fully identified. While working in oil painting, specializing in works in watercolor, with its own identity, quite different from his surrealist work, as plasma and other landscapes and buildings subject of your city. From 1995 to present his works have been exhibited and sold in Bahia Blanca, La Plata. Buenos Aires, Mar del Plata. Santiago de Chile. Germany. Palma de Mallorca, London. Miami, New York and Italy, garnering numerous awards in those occasions. In the words of Magritte painting art is the art of thinking, the existence of which underscores the importance of life in the eyes of the human body the true art of painting is to design and produce paintings capable of giving the viewer a pure visual perception of the external world Well, that's exactly what we understand by observing the work of Domnguez, as the matter, technique, movement and the need to transmute thoughts into a work of art are inseparable. According to Olga Pellegrino, his work can appreciate the emotional and poetic value and chromatic vibration, arising from an exquisite personality. Among other honors, in 2006 won first prize by the Society San Martin to work Dream of Freedom in honor of Gral. San Martn. Currently, he teaches drawing and painting in his studio and the Association of South Bay Artists White.